That said, forget it! Writing is a joy not work, at least to me anyway. I write to get something said. Let's think about that sci fi adventure for a moment...I make a quick outline sometimes, who are my characters, what are they doing in life and how does that pertain to my story? Settings, if they are important, I jot that down to..usually if I have a whole lot of characters involved, I make notes. It just sucks when I'm writing and I forget someones name, so I can glance at my notes and poof, there they are. Same with scientific stuff, google it, get it right, you'd be surprised how many folks will catch that mistake. Made up scientific stuff, that's cool...they sure as heck won't find that on google, or will they? As a time traveler, I can make sure it's listed....can't I.
Well, I'm off to work some more, my poor character is lost in a snow storm, the only way out is a cat...who keeps showing up. Go figure, wonder why this cat is even out there? Hmmm, I think I have an answer, I'll let you know.
Have a most wonderful the way, a blizzard is heading our way..gotta get out that shovel :(
Live long and be Phosphorus.
Go write something.
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