Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Okay, I'm it?

No, I'm lying. I'm collecting lots of great photos though for my next book, sure takes lots of emails and stuff to gather it. Had a few folks say no, I think they are way to busy to play, but thats okay. I do believe I'm gathering some of the finest from regular blackpowder folks there are. I've emailed a neat guy from S.Africa, I didn't even know they did rondyvoos there, live and learn.
I'm also having fun visiting the book roast at A Bench Press, very fun blog! So many authors there promoting their books and playing too. Go look sometimes, I made a link over there on the'll see it. Well, back to work for me. Hope the convention gets over soon, they've taken Voyager down while its on. shame on them.
Well, have a safe and happy day everyone. Write a little, write a lot, do it for one else. Hey! Is that a ufo over there?

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