Monday, November 24, 2008

It's almost Thanksgiving

Somewhere deep in space..maybe..theres a being looking at the stars. Maybe this being is wondering the same thing many of us do. Whats out there? Is this all there is? Each morning, I imagine some of us do the same thing.
To me, it's quite nice to know, that there is more.
Not just my writing but in everything.
It snowed this morning and it was quite beautiful, a gentle reminder of things to come.
Dare I say it?
Anyway, I'm a bit off subject LOL.
Enjoy your week, send a happy thought to that soul somewhere out there in space or maybe somewhere in cyberspace.
Let's be thankful for this day and even the goofy weather :)
May your holiday week be a fine one, surrounded by loved ones.
Happy turkey day guys!

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