Sunday, November 25, 2007

For all of us cat lovers

< a href="">Cats around the Christmas tree

Its a great little book with 12 fun Holiday stories. I was happy to have one of mine included "Miracle in the Desert"
Now I am working on saving a bunch of wonderful old poems, handwritten by my husband mom..way back when she was a young girl. I'm going to scan them and see if we can read them..might be nice to have them in her own writing. Pass them on to future generations. Finally have heat here..thanks goodness, cause its quite chilly...cold...ffreezin...outside LOL
Well, better get scanning. Have a great Sunday world.

Friday, November 09, 2007

voting starts today

Well, I have a video up for voting and one I made for someone else, Mark..I think he's #2. All the trailers are good so I don't expect you to vote for me. Just go vote and give them some encouragement. If you get time, go watch the video book trailers and vote if you can. Lots of Zoetropers in the running too.

Oh, I had applied for a fun job and didn't get it. Oh well, it was for 2 hrs on Saturdays LOL. at the post office. Maybe the good Lord has something more fun waiting for me, who knows. I'm not a bit sad about it, I haven't applied for any kind of job in 20 years.
My newest book should be released soon, the publisher says the ARC's are in, and if you happen to be a reviewer, he'll be glad to send you a copy, just give me an email.
Well, think I'll get busy and do something even if its wrong. Take care and thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Well, I've been busy as a bee

We painted this old place, then they put a roof on it a month back, now we're trying to get some heat in here. Haven't done alot of new writing, just lots of revisions for some work a publisher has. I also submitted an article to Writers Digest and was I surprised when I got an email back asking for me to shorten it and if I could they would Buy it! Wonder what they pay? Who cares, I sent off the revsion, now to see what happens. Hope he meant it! Anyway, heres a quick video of what we did to this old place..the music is by a good friend, Blackhawk.

Now that its cold, I'm sure I'll be online more. Hope you had a great summer and that Gods been good to you. Enjoy everyday as if it were your last :)
Oh..I put some links up to some friends blogs, take a peak if you get time.