Monday, April 10, 2006

My story is Live on Amazon!!!

Well, not sure why I do this every now and again. does anyone read this? But then I think to myself, who cares! Its fun and well, I get to kinda tell the world whats happening in missouri. I've got a new story up live! Its on, their news shorts section, click the title and it'll take you there! Hopefully.I wonder why I have a case of the moodys? No reason in he world I should have them, but there they are! Maybe writing a bit will get me over them, never can tell! Anyway click on the title of my short story and go take a wee peek. My son owns the skull shown, he covered it in pounds and pounds of turquoise nuggets. It weghs alot! Have a great day this day and remember when the moodies get ya down, do something about them! Oh yeah, when you do figure out what to do..drop me a note and tell me. Okay? Well, gonna go get some rewrites finished. What a glorious day he Lord has given us!

Medicine Skull

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!