Friday, December 17, 2010

Here it is Friday!

I sure change directions a lot, don't I? I'm busy working on an Authors page on FB. Ya know I always avoided promoting my worrk and well figured its about time I get off my rear end and do some work. I'm having fun, what with FB outages etc. I'm ready for Christmas, not the same without the kids and grandkids close..may have to change that next year!
who knows?
In the meantime, enjoy this very special day, its the only today you get!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Facebook and me!

I'm designing a new authors page for me and all my books and my videos too. I hope I can figure out how to promote it and this blog too. Someone told me it's quite alright to promote ourselves even though the concept, to me is well hard. So bare with m as I learn the ropes. I think it's my time to go ahead and promote.
If not..well, it will be fun anyway!
Love you guys( notice I'm alone) LOL.