Well, what do ya think? As you know my original publisher of the ufo handbook disappeared, gave me the blues for a few days but then a publisher from RazaR decided to do it. Well, its going to be through Lulu..which I suppose is okay, who knows. But at least there it is, soon to be for sale. I also submitted about four stories to Amazon, no word yet from them, may take while, they're getting lots more subs now. I've been busy playing outside, way too much and not getting a lot done, like I should but.now it's getting cold, I'll be inside more (boo hoo) and maybe get some writing done.
I've got ads up all over the place so hopefully some of them will bare fruit :)
Well, hope everyone is having a grand day and is getting ready for Christmas. It's never too early to start ya know:)
God bless